Can You Get Waxed on Your Period?

Since we were old enough to ride bikes and practice times tables, we’ve been taught that our periods might impede us from being our best selves. It turns out that doing whatever our heart's desire during our cycles is the real truth, and that’s exactly how it should be.

Whether you want to sleep, go rock climbing, or get a Brazilian wax, you should feel empowered to do all of the above on your period!  

Tips for getting waxed on your period 

Your body loves to cooperate with you on its own terms. And if you’re feeling like you’re over-shaving while you’re on your period, we totally get it! Being worried about getting waxed on your period is completely understandable. But know that estheticians are in it for the good, the bad, and even the crampiest. Let that collective, learned shame fall to the wayside, and get confident about getting waxed on your period with this guide.

Make sure you’re equipped with the proper menstrual tools 

It’s all in how you prepare for your appointment. Getting waxed is a sanitary process no matter what area is being treated. In this case, you’ll want to take a hot bath or shower right before your appointment and make sure to use a fresh tampon or menstrual cup for your and your esthetician's safety. Bloodborne pathogens can be dangerous for everyone, so a pad just won’t cut it for a waxing visit.

Manage your pain by taking an over-the-counter pain reliever 30 min prior to the appointment 

wax on period

If you picture yourself after your wax appointment cozied up and feeling fabulous, you can get there by using pre-appointment pain relief. If you take over-the-counter medicine, be intentional about taking a Tylenol or ibuprofen about a half hour before you show up. This not only helps keep your wax session inflammation down, but curbs the irritation after you get home, too! 

If your weekend plans include hitting the beach after brunch and then getting waxed, you should reschedule one or the other. Believe it or not, caffeine and alcohol can impact your wax, creating an even more intensive, heightened sensitivity level on your skin. 

Take a shower right before your appointment to feel fresh and ready for a clean wax!

Prior to heading to your appointment, hygiene is your focus. Make sure to take a shower right before your wax appointment to create a fresh, clean environment for you and your esthetician to work with. A quick shower can help eradicate any lingering bacteria and also help open up your pores to decrease the likelihood of ingrown hairs.

What can you expect while getting waxed on your period?

You can expect the consideration, care, and attention you deserve while getting waxed on your period. Estheticians are well versed in all things body and skin related, and for those who get periods of their own, you can guarantee they know the stress of trying to navigate getting waxed while menstruating.

Cut the string of your tampon or tuck it into your vulva

If you’re wearing a tampon to your visit, you’ll need to be mindful of the hanging string. Make sure to tuck the string into your vulva to keep it from getting caught on any adhesive during the waxing process. This prevents the off chance that the string (or even a small, unseeable fiber) is in the way during a wax and keeps you safe and the process.

Give your esthetician a heads up that you’re on your period so they’re aware and prepared

The best thing you can do for yourself and your esthetician is to give them a heads up that you got your period, no matter how close to your appointment it decides to show up. This awareness gives your esthetician time to collect extra hygiene materials and stock their station with whatever they may need to make your experience more comfortable. 

Mother nature creates her own schedule, so don’t worry about being on your period!

Even with the most regular of cycles, there are going to be times when your period shows up at the most inconvenient of moments. Normalize your human experience and remember that your esthetician's main priority is to help you feel comfortable and cared for. Getting waxed on your period doesn’t have to be uncomfortable, especially with informed estheticians who specialize in body wellness and empowerment!

Denver Waxing is here to help you have a caring, considerate wax experience

At Denver Waxing, we prioritize the emotional and physical health and well-being of our clients. We know that finding a waxing studio you can trust and rely on isn’t easy, and we’re so privileged to connect with our amazing clients for a lifelong journey of high-quality skincare. Head on over to our website to schedule a consultation with us!


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